Posted on: April 19, 2017

Get Bikini Ready with Liposuction or a Tummy Tuck: Which One Is Best for You?

So many of us are concerned about the torso even if we exercise and have a healthy diet. If you are doing all the right things to stay in shape, you still may have either too much skin laxity or stubborn fat pockets or both, that do not disappear with all your efforts. At Kay Plastic Surgery, we can create a cinched waist, slender hips and an overall silhouette to fit your new summer clothes and bathing suits.

If you can do the Special K pinch of your midsection and there is a layer of fat that you haven’t been able to get rid of with proper diet and a good exercise regimen, then liposuction may be your best solution before summer. Liposuction for both women and men can create a more natural, contoured appearance of your torso, and can be applied as well to your chin, arms, thighs, and knees if needed.

Consider a Tummy Tuck is when you have extra skin and your abdominal muscles are relaxed from pregnancy or weight loss. Most women can benefit from a combination tummy tuck and liposuction to create a smooth, contoured waist.

If you are considering liposuction, either alone or with a Tummy Tuck, you may want to consider using some of the fat removed fat improve your facial contours, your breasts, or give you a bigger and better shape to your buttocks. Ask about combining your liposuction and fat grafting options for the ultimate summer makeover at Kay Plastic Surgery.

Kay Plastic Surgery
5530 Wisconsin Ave. Chevy Chase, MD 20815
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