How To Choose A Washington DC Plastic Surgeon
Begin By Checking Qualifications
The internet makes it easy to check licensing and board certification of Washington DC Plastic Surgeons. For cosmetic surgery, your doctor must be not just board certified, but board certified in plastic surgery. You can find a list of board certified plastic surgeons through the American Society of Plastic Surgeons web site. Also, ask friends and family you trust for their experience and recommendations.
Ask if the Doctor has experience in your area of interest.
The Doctor, not just the office staff, should discuss details with you including any treatment risks and answer your questions
If you wish, have the opportunity to speak with other patients.
If you choose a surgical procedure, you may want to visit the facility where it will be done. Good doctors use only licensed and accredited facilities that maintain the highest safety standards.
Remember, your doctor should consider your safety and natural result highest priorities. Great results in cosmetic surgery should be indistinguishable from natural beauty.
Finally, go with your instincts: Does the treatment plan feel right for you? Never be pressured into more than you want, but understand the realistic goals of any treatment plan. Always be confident and comfortable about your choice before you proceed.
Keep these suggestions in mind, and you should be able to achieve the improvement you want.
Have a question regarding a procedure? We’d be happy to discuss your Washington DC plastic surgery needs at 301.951.5120.